The Real Definition of Virus-is Poison
I am the only person in the world who has discovered this truth.

​The true beginning of vaccination. Jenner believed an ignorant dairy-maid when she told him that she couldn't take small-pox because she had the cow-pox.

Jenner then vaxed the 8-year-old boy. he stuck cow-pus in the boy's arm and the boy didn't get small-pox. And Jenner concluded that the reason the boy didn't get the small-pox is because of the pus he injected the boy with.

And that is still what they do today. 200 years later. They stick flu pus in your arm. if you don't get the flu in a few weeks the reason is because of the shot of pus they injected into your arm.

So how did I and millions of others who don't ever take the shots escape the flu? Think about it. the whole thing was and is a scam. it's all about the money.

Oh I forgot to mention the boy died at age 21 from T.B.

Indiana has a religious exemption. For 17 years Indiana also had a personal exemption, but nobody knew about it. The Times newspaper used to give addresses of parents in the paper. For 5 years I sent those parents letters explaining the personal exemption. Then one day the Times didn't publish the addresses anymore. I called them and ask them why not. They said because of privacy. I said yea right.

Also if you were told that your child had to be vaxxed and you complied and now find out the truth you can still get out.Ty

Also the school nurse has no authority to tell you that you have to vax your children or to even suggest it. Her job by law is to administer bandaids and send your child home if sick. 

​Indiana law says in part A,"Every child entering the first day of school shall be vaxxed---UNLESS you elect part B that says your exemption must be in writing and handed to the person ordering the shots. Part B is what the schools and fake news have been lying about for all these years.

In other words it is not a vaccine requirement but is a reporting requirement to give them a written report. Either a paper that says your child is vaxxed or a paper that says you are electing to go exempt.

You are not required to ask them for permission to exempt your child. Just go up to the nurse look her or him in the eye and say I would like a vaccine exemption form. If they lied to you and you wish to call them out, be my guest.

And as far as religious belief goes your God can be a tree or whatever, it does not have to be a belief in God.

Check it out for yourself. Search Indiana code. IC 20-34-3-2 or just search Indiana vaccine exmptions. 

Alsoyour paragraph here.

Sir Edward Mellanby-The Man, Research worker, and Statesman B.S. platt.  P.6.


The chemist of 1905 was not interested in biological phenomena,  and he never for one moment considered it possible that the future of chemistry itself would be revolutionised by knowledge of the chemical processes which were encountered in biological material.  it can be said with assurance,  that those of us that were actively engaged in the study of physiological processes at that time realised to the full that the essential condition for progress was the enticement of first class chemist into the biological field as active collaborators. (work together) Our prayers have been abundantly answered, indeed, more than answered,  for the pendulum has swung the other way, and whereas chemical skill in biochemistry has become predominant, BIOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE AND OUTLOOK IN THE SUBJECT HAS EITHER TENDED TO FADE AWAY OR TO ISOLATE ITSELF FROM THAT OF CHEMISTS.

This present-day dichotomy is an address given by the Rt. Lord Hankey at the Memorial Service to Sir Edward Mellanby, March 11, 1956.

I have suspected for many years that biology was hijacked by the chemist. This confirms it. The chemist giving life to the dead. Thomas M. Rivers stealing the living attributes of the germ and applying them to the dead virus which meant poison.