My book which took me over 50 years to discover their lies is TITLED SHOTS-OF-TRUTH-REAL SCIENCE --A Conspiracy Exposed. It proves beyond a doubt that there was a conspiracy to miseducate the entire medical profession which they knew would miseducate the entire world about the cause of polio and disease.
CONTENTS-A book comprised of 30 different books.
This Book Won't Rock The Vaccine Boat, It Will Sink It.
My other books on Amazon. The True Cause of Disease and it ain't Germs.Only 14.95.
From Street Fighter to Vaccine Freedom fighter. Just 14.59.
Iatrogenic How the Medical Mafia killed my Wife and Daughter. 7.00.
Vitamins Do they really exist-No they do not. 9.13.
Frankenstein Science--The Virus That Never was. 11.95.
The Begining of The End Of A 200 Year Old Blood Poisioning Racket.
I have uncovered the greatest fraud that the Medical profession ever pulled off. The lies that smallpox and polio were wiped out by the Jenner and Salk vaccines. And the lie that viruses exist and cause dis-ease.
My Daughter Catherine Lynn O'Kelly suffered and died after a smallpox shot in 1969.
For a copy of my book, SHOTS-OF-TRUTH-REAL SCIENCE A CONSPIRACY EXPOSED The price is only $14.55. Before they know it has been released.
Google and enter my name. Jim Dandy O'Kelly books on Amazon.
Introduction-Why I am in this fight to the finish.
Book 1. The Field Trial of the Salk Vaccine-1954. Proof of the fraud.
Book 2. Sister Kenny-Australian Nurse-The Truth about Polio-1943.
Book 3. The Great Salk Vaccine Fiasco!-1960.
Book 4. The Slow Death of the Salk Vaccine-1962.
Book 5. White Dots-The Real Virus-1956.
Book 6. How Rare Polio was in 1952 -The worst year.
Book 7. Sigmund Freud-Causes of Polio-1968.
Book 8. The Salk Vaccine Coverup-1965.
Book 9. Actual Transcripts of the Bad Guys.
Book 10. links to the Transcripts of the Bad Guys.
Book 11. Country Gentlemen-August 1939.
Book 12. Harper's Magazine. March 1951.
Book 13. Time Magazine-March 1954.
Book 14. Parents Magazine-July 1954.
Book 15. Saturday Evening Post-September 1955.
Book 16. Collier's Magazine-August 1956.
Book 17. Saturday Evening Post-July 1960.
Book 18. Information for Physicians-1956.
Book 19. Health Magazine-August 1928.
Book 20. Isopathy-The Product of Disease Prevents Disease-Nonsense.
Book 21. The Graphic-1883-Picture of Jenner's Vaccination. Cowpus.
Book 22. Smallpox and Sanitation-1912.
Book 23. Don't Vaccinate with Impure Virus.-1883. Picture of taking pus from a Cow and injecting the cowpus into a baby.
Book 24. What About Vaccination-1895.
Book 25. Vaccination and Lockjaw.-1900.
Book 26. Sanitation Versus Vaccination-1912.
Book 27. The Recrudesence of Leprosy-1893. It was not caught-proof.
Book 28. Vaccination Tracks-1877.
Book 29. Conference on Health Problems-1924.
Book 30. Causation of Cancer. No date.
Last but not least---My Credentials.